"The messiest minute on television!"
The obstacle course was also the most exciting part of the show.
Below is an alphabetical listing of all the obstacles ever used on Double Dare (1986-1993).
This comes directly from the old site "The Double Dare Slopsite"
The Double Dare 2018 list, and a revamped page, are coming soon!
KEY: DIFFICULTY = (numbers signify the average amount of time the obstacle takes);
SIZE = large/medium/small;
FLAG = whether or not the flag was crucial to the obstacle (i.e., was it hidden in food, or just on a flagpole);
ERA = Double Dare ('86-'88); Super Sloppy ('89-'90); Family ('91-'93) *(2000); **(2018); ***(2000/2018)

Ant Farm: Also known early on as Kid Farm
Birdcage: Alternatively called Bye Bye, Birdie and The Cage
Clam Dip: Renamed A Very Large Clam briefly
Dallas: Renamed Pipeline after Dallas reference was outdated; revised even later as Sushi*
Down the Hatch: Renamed much later as Mush Mouth***
Drawbridge: Originally called Bridging the Gap
Granny's Attic: Originally and briefly titled Customs Inspector, then Pop and Lock It***
Harvey's Bathtub: not the exact title
Horn Blower: Originally Thar She Blows!
Icy Trike: Called Desert Trike when the obstacle was filled with sand
Marshmallow Mountain: Despite its misspelling, the obstacle was titled "Marshmellow Mountain"
Mt. St. Double Dare: Revised as Volcano**
Nightmare: Revised to It's in the Bag, Go Nuts, and Unboxing***
The 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel: Simply renamed Hamster Wheel***
Pick It: Renamed Da Nose***
Slime Canal: Sometimes titled Breakfast Canal because of its contents
Spud Splat: Originally titled "Tater Terror"
The Tank: Sometimes renamed for its contents, such as Teatime, Root Beer Float, etc.**
Time's Running Out: Renamed Hourglass, after this obstacle was no longer used primarily as the 7th one
Typewriter: Briefly titled Hunt 'N Peck, updated to Double Click*
Toejam: Originally called Foot Locker
Waveslide: Originally called The Big Kahuna