Auditions for KMAC Productions Promos!
The list of (fake) Females who are Auditioning for a part on the KMAC Radio Promo (As of 06/15/2021)
ARHS Mac Dude Productions is working on creating several promotional videos for a film class that DJ PatDiddy is taking this fall. A formal casting call will take place virtually. See the note below for details.
All of the footage is being shot this fall. Several filming dates will be announced in July.
Please note - each of these (FAKE) actresses is auditioning for the role of "Fiancé" unless noted otherwise.

Alexis Bates
Alpha Gamma Sigma Eta Vice President

Blu Cantrell
Casting Director

Delaney Elani
One of my Fiancées

Electra Frances
One of my Fiancées

Minnie Greer
One of my Fiancées

Christine Hitt
One of my Fiancées

Heidi Jameson
One of my Fiancées

Jumanji LaDonna
One of my Fiancées

Velour Mathilda
One of my Fiancées

Nina November
One of my Fiancées

Aurora Ryder
One of my Fiancées

Lilo Simone
One of my Fiancées

Victoria Teagan
One of my Fiancées

Topanga Vandenberg
One of my Fiancées

Nyra Varma
One of my Fiancées

Katy Young
One of my Fiancées

Deborah Zee
One of my Fiancées

Michelle Zum
More information will be provided in July.